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National Preparedness Month: Be Ready for the Unexpected

9/12/2024 (Permalink)

National Preparedness Month: Be Ready for the Unexpected with SERVPRO®

Every September, National Preparedness Month serves as a reminder to prepare for disasters and emergencies that could strike at any time. From natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods to unexpected fires or water damage, being prepared can make all the difference in keeping your family, home, or business safe. As experts in disaster restoration and recovery, SERVPRO understands the importance of planning ahead and is here to help® every step of the way.

This year, let’s take a closer look at why preparedness is essential, what steps you can take to be ready, and how SERVPRO can assist when disasters occur.

Why National Preparedness Month Matters

Emergencies can happen at any moment, often with little or no warning. Whether it's a flash flood caused by heavy rainfall, a sudden fire, or storm damage from a hurricane, having a plan in place can save lives and reduce property damage.

The goal of National Preparedness Month is to raise awareness and encourage individuals, families, and businesses to take proactive steps to prepare for these unexpected events. This year’s theme, “Take Control in 1, 2, 3,” emphasizes the importance of:

  1. Knowing your risks
  2. Making a plan
  3. Building a disaster kit

By taking control of your preparedness, you can minimize the chaos that follows a disaster and ensure a faster recovery.

Step 1: Know Your Risks

The first step in preparing for an emergency is understanding the risks in your area. Different regions face different types of natural disasters, and knowing which ones are most likely to affect you will help you create a more targeted preparedness plan. Here are some common disasters to consider:

  • Floods: One of the most frequent and dangerous natural disasters, especially if you live near rivers, lakes, or in coastal regions.
  • Hurricanes and Storms: Common in areas near the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, hurricanes can cause significant wind, water, and flood damage.
  • Tornadoes: Often sudden and devastating, tornadoes can occur without much warning and bring about destruction quickly.
  • Wildfires: If you live in a dry or wooded area, wildfire risks increase during droughts or hot seasons.
  • Earthquakes: Certain areas, particularly along fault lines, are more vulnerable to seismic activity.

Once you know the specific risks your home or business faces, you can better tailor your preparedness plan.

Step 2: Make a Plan

A well-thought-out emergency plan is vital for ensuring you, your family, and your employees know exactly what to do when disaster strikes. Here are some important elements of a preparedness plan:

  • Evacuation Routes: Identify safe evacuation routes from your home or building. Make sure everyone is aware of these routes and practices them regularly.
  • Meeting Points: Establish a meeting place for family members or employees in case you get separated.
  • Communication Plans: Have a plan for how you will communicate if cell phone networks go down. Consider walkie-talkies, satellite phones, or having an out-of-town relative as a point of contact.
  • Emergency Contacts: Keep a list of important phone numbers, such as local emergency services, family members, and SERVPRO for immediate disaster restoration assistance.
  • Safe Places: Identify safe areas in your home for sheltering in place during specific disasters, like a basement during a tornado or an interior room during a hurricane.

Once your plan is in place, it’s essential to practice it regularly with family or employees, so everyone knows exactly what to do when disaster hits.

Step 3: Build a Disaster Kit

Your preparedness kit is your lifeline during an emergency. Having the right supplies on hand can keep you safe and comfortable during a disaster and ensure you’re ready to take action immediately. Here are the basic items every disaster kit should include:

  • Water: At least one gallon of water per person, per day, for at least three days.
  • Non-perishable Food: Enough for at least three days. Opt for easy-to-prepare, high-energy foods.
  • First Aid Kit: Include bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any prescription medications.
  • Flashlight and Extra Batteries: Power outages are common during disasters, so a reliable light source is essential.
  • Multi-tool or Basic Tools: For turning off utilities, repairs, or opening containers.
  • Copies of Important Documents: Keep copies of IDs, insurance policies, medical records, and other critical documents in a waterproof container.
  • Cash: In the event of a power outage, ATMs and card readers may be unavailable.
  • Blankets, Clothing, and Sturdy Shoes: Prepare for changing weather conditions or having to travel on foot.
  • Chargers and Power Banks: Keep phones and other critical devices charged.

Additionally, make sure your disaster kit is updated regularly and accessible in a convenient location. Having this kit ready will give you peace of mind, knowing you’re prepared for any situation.

How SERVPRO Can Help You Prepare

While National Preparedness Month is focused on helping you prepare for disasters before they occur, it’s equally important to know who to call after a disaster strikes. That’s where SERVPRO comes in. With our decades of experience in disaster recovery and restoration, we’re ready to help you recover quickly and efficiently after an emergency.

Here are just a few ways SERVPRO can assist you during and after a disaster:

  • Emergency Response Services: When a disaster happens, every second counts. SERVPRO offers 24/7 emergency services to begin water, fire, and storm damage restoration as soon as possible.
  • Water Damage Restoration: If your home or business has been affected by floods, SERVPRO has the expertise and equipment to remove water, dry your property, and prevent mold growth.
  • Fire and Smoke Damage Restoration: SERVPRO’s fire restoration specialists can clean up after a fire, removing smoke damage, soot, and odors to restore your property.
  • Storm Damage Cleanup: From fallen trees to roof damage, SERVPRO can help restore your property after severe weather.
  • Mold Remediation: Mold can be a dangerous side effect of water damage. Our mold remediation services will ensure your property is safe and free from harmful spores.
  • Commercial Services: Businesses need to get back on track as quickly as possible after a disaster. SERVPRO offers specialized commercial restoration services to minimize downtime and get your business running again.

At SERVPRO, we understand that recovering from a disaster is a stressful and overwhelming experience. That’s why we’re committed to making the restoration process as smooth and efficient as possible, so you can get back to normal life faster.

Prepare Today, Recover Tomorrow

This National Preparedness Month, take the time to evaluate your risks, make a plan, and build your disaster kit. With SERVPRO by your side, you’ll be ready for the unexpected and have a trusted partner in recovery if the worst happens. Don’t wait until it’s too late—take control of your preparedness now.

If disaster strikes, remember SERVPRO is always here to help® you recover quickly, safely, and efficiently, so you can get back to your life with confidence. For more information on our services or to schedule an appointment, contact SERVPRO of Frankfort at (815)485-6901 or

Making PPE Priority

8/23/2024 (Permalink)

Why Use PPE When in Homes and Businesses?

What is PPE?

Personal Protective Equipment, commonly known as PPE, is a critical aspect of safety in many professions, especially those that involve exposure to potential hazards. PPE refers to the protective clothing, helmets, goggles, gloves, masks, and other gear designed to protect the wearer's body from injury or infection. In residential settings, where various risks can arise from environmental factors, contaminants, or chemicals, PPE is essential to maintain health and safety standards.

Different Parts of PPE

  1. Gloves: Gloves protect hands from coming into direct contact with contaminants such as chemicals, mold, bacteria, and other harmful substances. Different types of gloves are available, including latex, nitrile, and rubber, each suitable for various tasks.
  2. Masks and Respirators: These protect the respiratory system from inhaling harmful particles, dust, fumes, or infectious agents. Masks range from simple surgical masks to more complex respirators with filters, such as N95 respirators, which are used in environments with hazardous air particles.
  3. Eye Protection: Goggles and face shields protect the eyes from splashes of chemicals, flying debris, or infectious droplets. This type of PPE is crucial when working with hazardous substances or in environments where particles are in the air.
  4. Protective Clothing: This includes items like coveralls, aprons, or full-body suits that protect the skin and clothing from chemicals, dust, and biological contaminants. Protective clothing is essential when working in environments where there is a risk of exposure to hazardous materials.
  5. Footwear: Safety boots or shoe covers protect feet from injury and prevent the tracking of contaminants from one area to another. In some situations, non-slip shoes are required to prevent accidents in wet or slippery environments.
  6. Head Protection: Hard hats and helmets are used to protect the head from falling objects or accidental impact, particularly in construction or renovation settings.

Why PPE is Important in Homes

PPE is not just for industrial or hospital settings; it is equally crucial when working in residential homes. Here’s why PPE should always be used:

  1. Protection Against Contaminants

Homes can harbor many contaminants, from mold spores and dust to chemicals and biological hazards. Using PPE helps protect the individual from inhaling or coming into contact with harmful substances. For example, mold can cause allergic reactions, respiratory problems, and even serious illnesses. Wearing gloves, masks, and protective clothing minimizes exposure to these contaminants, ensuring that the individual remains safe while working.

  1. Preventing Cross-Contamination

When moving from room to room or from one home to another, there's a risk of carrying contaminants. PPE helps prevent the spread of these harmful substances, ensuring they do not travel beyond the contaminated area. For instance, shoe covers can prevent tracking mold spores or other dirt into clean areas, while disposable gloves can be changed regularly to avoid spreading germs.

  1. Ensuring Respiratory Safety

Certain situations, such as dealing with fire damage or water damage, can release hazardous particles into the air. Smoke, soot, and other airborne particles can be harmful if inhaled. Respirators and masks are essential PPE for protecting the lungs from these dangerous particles, reducing the risk of respiratory issues or long-term health problems.

  1. Protecting Against Chemical Exposure

Cleaning and restoration work often involve using various chemicals and cleaning agents, some of which can be harsh or toxic. PPE such as gloves, goggles, and face shields helps protect the skin and eyes from chemical burns or irritation. Ensuring that workers are not exposed to harmful substances is crucial for their safety and well-being.

  1. Maintaining Hygiene Standards

In environments such as healthcare facilities or homes with vulnerable occupants (like the elderly, children, or immunocompromised individuals), maintaining high hygiene standards is essential. PPE acts as a barrier, reducing the risk of spreading infections and maintaining a clean environment. This is especially important during outbreaks of infectious diseases, where PPE can help prevent the spread of pathogens.

  1. Legal and Ethical Considerations

Using PPE is often a legal requirement in many industries to comply with health and safety regulations. Beyond legal obligations, there is also an ethical responsibility to ensure the safety and health of both workers and residents. Using PPE demonstrates a commitment to safety and professionalism, building trust with clients and the community.


At SERVPRO, safety is a top priority. The nature of SERVPRO's work often involves entering homes and businesses affected by fire, water, mold, or other contaminants. To protect both their team members and the residents they serve, SERVPRO professionals always use appropriate PPE. This includes gloves, masks, respirators, protective suits, and more, depending on the situation's specific needs.

By using PPE, SERVPRO ensures that its work does not pose a risk to health and safety. Their commitment to using PPE also highlights their dedication to maintaining high standards of hygiene and cleanliness, providing peace of mind to clients. Whether dealing with hazardous materials, cleaning up after a disaster, or ensuring that homes remain safe and healthy environments, SERVPRO's use of PPE is a vital part of their professional and thorough approach to restoration and cleaning services.

For more information on our services or to schedule an appointment, contact SERVPRO of Frankfort at (815)485-6901 or

Back-to-School: Creating a Clean and Organized Home After Summer

8/19/2024 (Permalink)

Back-to-School: Creating a Clean and Organized Home After Summer

As the long, lazy days of summer wind down, the transition back to school can feel like a whirlwind. With new schedules, activities, and responsibilities on the horizon, having a clean and organized home becomes essential for a smooth start to the school year. After a busy summer filled with vacations, outdoor adventures, and family gatherings, your home may be in need of a little TLC to get it back in order.

In this blog, we’ll explore strategies for decluttering, deep cleaning, and setting up organized spaces that will help your family adjust to the new school year with ease.

1. Start with Decluttering: A Fresh Slate for the School Year

Summer tends to bring an influx of items into the home—beach toys, camping gear, souvenirs, and more. Before you dive into cleaning and organizing, take some time to declutter your space. Decluttering not only creates a more orderly environment but also reduces stress and makes it easier to maintain a clean home throughout the school year.

Step 1: Sort and Purge Begin by sorting through items room by room. Decide what you want to keep, donate, sell, or throw away. Pay special attention to areas like entryways, closets, and common living spaces where clutter tends to accumulate. For example, sort through the pile of shoes and jackets at the front door, clearing out items that are no longer needed or have outgrown their purpose.

Step 2: Organize What’s Left Once you’ve decluttered, organize the remaining items in a way that makes sense for your family’s daily routine. Use storage bins, baskets, and shelving to keep items neatly arranged. Labeling storage containers can also be a helpful way to ensure everything has its place, making it easier for everyone in the household to maintain order.

Step 3: Tackle the Kids’ Spaces Children’s rooms often bear the brunt of summer clutter. Involve your kids in the decluttering process by encouraging them to sort through their toys, books, and clothes. This is also a great opportunity to set up a dedicated homework space, free of distractions and stocked with the supplies they’ll need for the school year.

2. Deep Cleaning: Refreshing Your Home After a Busy Summer

After the hustle and bustle of summer, a deep clean is often necessary to refresh your home. With dirt tracked in from outdoor activities, dust from open windows, and the general wear and tear of daily life, deep cleaning can make your home feel like new again.

Step 1: Focus on High-Traffic Areas High-traffic areas such as the kitchen, bathrooms, and living room often need the most attention. In the kitchen, start by cleaning out the refrigerator, pantry, and cabinets—discard expired items and wipe down surfaces. In the bathroom, scrub showers, tubs, and sinks, and consider replacing shower liners and mats that have seen better days. In the living room, vacuum upholstery, dust surfaces, and clean carpets or rugs to remove any lingering summer dirt.

Step 2: Don’t Forget the Floors Summer can be tough on floors, with everything from sand to mud being tracked in. Give your floors some extra attention by vacuuming, mopping, and, if necessary, steam cleaning carpets. Hardwood and tile floors can benefit from a deep clean using appropriate cleaners to remove any buildup.

Step 3: Air Quality Matters After a summer of open windows and running fans, it’s a good idea to improve your home’s air quality by cleaning or replacing air filters, vacuuming vents, and considering air duct cleaning. This will help ensure your family is breathing clean air as they spend more time indoors during the school year.

3. Setting Up Organized Spaces: Creating an Efficient Home for the School Year

With the clutter gone and your home freshly cleaned, it’s time to set up organized spaces that will help your family navigate the school year smoothly. Whether it’s creating a functional entryway or setting up a dedicated homework area, organization is key to staying on top of busy schedules.

Step 1: Create a Command Center A command center is a central spot where you can keep track of the family’s schedule, important papers, and to-do lists. This could be a wall-mounted organizer in the kitchen or a bulletin board in the hallway. Use calendars, chore charts, and mail organizers to keep everything in one place and ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

Step 2: Set Up a Homework Station Creating a designated homework station for your kids is crucial for their productivity and focus. Choose a quiet, well-lit area with a comfortable chair and a desk or table that has enough space for books, notebooks, and a computer. Stock the station with all the necessary supplies—pencils, paper, scissors, and anything else your child might need—so they won’t have to waste time searching for them.

Step 3: Organize Entryways and Mudrooms The entryway or mudroom is often the first place clutter begins to accumulate. Combat this by organizing these spaces with hooks for backpacks, cubbies for shoes, and baskets for miscellaneous items. This way, everyone in the family has a designated spot for their belongings, making it easier to keep the area tidy.

Step 4: Plan for Meal Prep and Lunches With school comes the daily task of preparing lunches. Streamline this process by organizing your kitchen with easy-to-access lunch supplies. Designate a shelf in the pantry for lunch items, and use bins to organize snacks, sandwich bags, and containers. Pre-packing certain items the night before can also save time in the mornings.

Wrapping It Up

By decluttering, deep cleaning, and organizing your home, you can create a more peaceful and efficient environment as your family transitions from summer fun to the school routine. Not only will this help reduce stress and save time, but it will also set a positive tone for the school year ahead.

As you tackle these tasks, remember that maintaining a clean and organized home is an ongoing process. Regularly setting aside time to tidy up, review your organization systems, and address any emerging clutter will keep your home running smoothly throughout the school year.

However, sometimes the task of getting your home back in order can feel overwhelming, especially after a busy summer. That’s where SERVPRO® comes in. Whether you need help with deep cleaning carpets, restoring air quality through duct cleaning, or addressing any lingering odors or stains, SERVPRO’s team of professionals is ready to assist. We have the expertise and equipment to tackle even the toughest cleaning challenges, ensuring your home is not only clean but also a healthy environment for your family.

Let SERVPRO help you start the school year off right with a home that’s clean, organized, and ready for whatever the year brings. Contact us today to learn more about our residential cleaning services and how we can help you create the perfect space for your family’s needs.

For more information on our services or to schedule an appointment, contact SERVPRO of Frankfort at (815)485-6901 or

Three Levels of Clean

8/19/2024 (Permalink)

The Three Levels of Clean: Sanitized, Disinfected, and Sterile—And How SERVPRO® Can Handle Them All

Cleanliness is crucial in any environment, whether it’s your home, workplace, or a healthcare facility. However, not all cleaning methods are the same. Understanding the three levels of clean—sanitized, disinfected, and sterile—can help you choose the right approach for your specific needs. Each level serves a different purpose, and SERVPRO is equipped to handle all three, ensuring your space is not just clean but also safe and healthy.

1. Sanitized: Reducing Germs to a Safe Level

Sanitizing is the first level of cleaning, primarily focused on reducing the number of germs on surfaces to a level that is considered safe by public health standards. This process typically involves cleaning with soap and water, followed by the application of a sanitizing agent that kills bacteria. Sanitizing is essential for areas like kitchens, bathrooms, and office spaces where everyday contact can spread germs.

When to Sanitize:

  • Home kitchens and dining areas where food preparation occurs.
  • Children’s play areas where frequent hand-to-mouth contact is common.
  • Public spaces like schools, gyms, and offices to maintain general hygiene.

How SERVPRO Can Help: SERVPRO uses professional-grade sanitizers and cleaning agents that effectively reduce the presence of harmful bacteria on surfaces. Our trained technicians follow strict protocols to ensure that all high-touch areas are thoroughly sanitized, helping to maintain a healthier environment.

2. Disinfected: Eliminating Harmful Pathogens

Disinfecting takes cleaning to the next level by using stronger chemicals to kill a broader range of pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi. This level of cleaning is especially important in areas where the risk of infection is higher, such as hospitals, clinics, and places where people are more vulnerable to illness. Disinfecting is not just about making surfaces look clean; it’s about ensuring they are free from harmful microorganisms.

When to Disinfect:

  • Healthcare settings like hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes where infections are a concern.
  • Workplaces during cold and flu season or following an illness outbreak.
  • Homes after someone has been sick to prevent the spread of illness.

How SERVPRO Can Help: SERVPRO offers comprehensive disinfection services using EPA-approved disinfectants that are effective against a wide range of pathogens. Our team follows the latest guidelines from health authorities to ensure that your space is thoroughly disinfected, giving you peace of mind that it is safe for occupants.

3. Sterile: Achieving the Highest Level of Cleanliness

Sterilization is the highest level of cleaning, aimed at completely eliminating all forms of microbial life, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores. This level of cleanliness is critical in environments where any form of contamination could have serious consequences, such as in surgical rooms, laboratories, and certain manufacturing processes. Sterilization typically involves the use of autoclaves, chemical sterilants, or other advanced methods to achieve a completely germ-free environment.

When to Sterilize:

  • Medical and surgical settings where sterility is crucial to prevent infections.
  • Laboratories where research requires a contamination-free environment.
  • Certain manufacturing processes in industries like pharmaceuticals and food production.

How SERVPRO Can Help: While sterilization is often associated with specialized equipment and processes, SERVPRO can assist in preparing and maintaining environments that require sterile conditions. We work closely with clients to ensure that areas needing the highest level of cleanliness are appropriately managed and that all protocols are followed to maintain sterility.

Why Choose SERVPRO for All Levels of Clean?

SERVPRO is a trusted leader in the cleaning and restoration industry, with the expertise and resources to handle all levels of cleanliness—sanitized, disinfected, and sterile. Whether you need routine sanitizing for everyday environments, comprehensive disinfection after an illness outbreak, or the stringent requirements of a sterile space, SERVPRO has you covered.

Our highly trained technicians use state-of-the-art equipment and follow industry best practices to ensure that your space is not only clean but also safe and healthy. With SERVPRO, you can be confident that your environment meets the highest standards of cleanliness, tailored to your specific needs.

If you’re looking to achieve a truly clean and safe space, contact SERVPRO today. We’re here to help® you every step of the way, from sanitizing common areas to ensuring sterile conditions in critical environments. Let us take care of the cleaning so you can focus on what matters most.

For more information on our services or to schedule an appointment, contact SERVPRO of Frankfort at (815)485-6901 or

Emergency Board Up Services

11/21/2022 (Permalink)

It is extremely important to secure your property after a loss that has damaged your roof, doors or windows. Receiving board up services prevents damage from animals and even thieves and vandals. It also helps reduce the cost of repairs by eliminating secondary damage. Receiving a board up service or roof tapping helps ensure the weather does not do more damage to your home or business.  

SERVPRO of Frankfort is even on several town/village and fire department lists to perform board up services.  After a loss that requires a board up service, the fire department or 911 dispatch center calls us right away so we can secure the property immediately. 

SERVPRO of Frankfort is available 24 hours a day to perform emergency board up services. If you have any questions regarding our board up services or any other services we perform, we are here to answer any of your questions. (815)485-0075 

Prepare your home before holiday travel

11/21/2022 (Permalink)

With the holidays quickly approaching, many people will be traveling to see friends and family. SERVPRO of Frankfort has prepared a few tips to help prepare your home for your trip.

- Throw away and food in the refrigerator or pantry that may go bad while you are gone. 

- Freeze a cup of water and put a coin on the top. Leave it in the freezer and check it when you return from vacation. When you return if the coin is not easy to remove from the cup, the chances are high that the freezer lost power during your trip resulting in your freezer items to thaw and refreeze. 

- Set the thermostat for vacation. Do not turn the thermostat off as during winter months the house needs to stay at a minimum of 55 degrees. 

- Turn the water off in the home. If you are not turning the main water line off, at least turn valves off to the toilet and faucet. 

- If you will be out of town for long periods of time, consider turning the hot water heater off or on vacation mode to save energy. 

- Lock all doors and windows including the ones in the garage. 

- Give a trusted neighbor a key so they can access the home if there is an emergency. 

- Set lights on timers to make it look like you are at home. 

- If you have a fireplace close the flue so animals cannot get into your home. 

Following these steps will help you enjoy your vacation more and have ;less worry while you are away. 

Board Up Services

7/1/2022 (Permalink)

Did you know SERVPRO of Frankfort offers board up services? 

Whether the damage is from a fire, storm, break in, or other structural disaster, having your property properly secured is important. Boarding up a property correctly can stop secondary damage such as moisture or rain, animal intrusions, or even theft of property that is still inside the structure. 

Boarding up a property after it has been damaged is a burden that no one should have to deal with especially the property owner right after suffering a loss to their home or business. 

SERVPRO of Frankfort can properly board up the damaged property and can also remediate the original damage.

With our quick service and 24 hour availability, we are a preferred vendor for many of our local fire departments to assist with board up services after a fire. 

If you should need board up services give our office a call 24 hours a day. (815)485-6901

Why are SERVPRO vehicles green?

5/17/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Frankfort vehicles are very noticeable when we are driving though your community. We have green cars, trucks, vans and even a semi trailer. But have you ever wondered how SERVPRO chose this eye catching color? 

In the early 1970s, the founders of SERVPRO used a color chip paint sample chart to identify the most eye-catching color.  It was a highly technical process.  The founders showed the chart to as many people as they could and asked, “Which color on this chart would be impossible to miss?”  By a wide margin, the color most identified was 1970 rally green, a color used on Porsche 911 automobiles.

SERVPRO of Frankfort is here for you for any of your fire, water, or mold restoration needs. Give us a call today (815)485-6901

Pancakes with First Responders

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

Here at SERVPRO of Frankfort we understand the stresses of everyday life and we were looking for a new way to show first responders how much they are appreciated. In the past we have done several things such as attend open houses, drop off treats to the departments, send gift cards for coffee and donuts and much more, but this year we decided we wanted to do more to show our appreciation for all the first responders who help keep our communities safe. 

Beginning in January of 2022 the marketing team here at SERVPRO of Frankfort started a new appreciation campaign of cooking breakfast for first responders. 

During the first three months of the new campaign we have been able to cook and serve pancakes, sausage, fruit and all the fixings you could ever want on your pancakes for several fire departments and dispatch centers within our marketing area. We even come back to the same fire station or dispatch center several days that week and cook breakfast multiple times to ensure everyone on their staff is able to enjoy a pancake breakfast cooked by SERVPRO of Frankfort. 

We are always looking for more ways to be involved with our community, and are grateful to be able to show appreciation to all the first responders in our community. 

Why Choose SERVPRO of Frankfort after a Natural Disaster

10/19/2021 (Permalink)

Living in Illinois we come across many natural disasters. Some that we see often are tornadoes, damaging winds, flooding and even ice and snow storms. Any of these natural disasters cause a large amount of home and business owners to need assistance all at once. 

When a disaster occurs in one area SERVPRO of Frankfort connects with other franchises giving us ample resources and a large amount of manpower allowing us to handle any size disaster. 

Just a few of the disasters that we have connected with other franchises to be able to help large amounts of property owners include;

- Jan 2007 Ice Storm

- 2013 Coal City Tornado

- 2015 Coal City Tornado

- 2015 Marseilles Dam Break

- 2011 Groundhogs Day Blizzard

- 2019 Polar Vortex

- 2020 Derecho Storm

SERVPRO of Frankfort is ready to help no matter how big or small the need is. If you should need our assistance during any Illinois natural disaster we are ready to help 24 hours a day. (815)485-6901. 

A quick response is what we do

7/29/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Frankfort 1/4/8 policy ensures timely mitigation which is key to reducing down time, costs and additional damages after a loss occurs. 

To ensure you get the help you need quickly SERVPRO has a policy set in place. 1/4/8.

Within 1 hour- Within one hour of your call into our office you will receive a call from our production manager to arrange an inspection of your home or business to assess the damage. 

Within 4 Hours- Within 4 hours of your call into out office, SERVPRO of Frankfort trained professionals will be on site to start the mitigation process. 

Within 8 Hours- Within 8 hours of your initial cal into our office, we will have a plan formed. Our production team will be able to communicate everything that is needed to fully restore your home or business back to preloss condition. 

SERVPRO of Frankfort is available 24 hours a day for any fire or water emergencies. Give us a call at (815)485-6901. 

Car Donation to Frankfort Fire Department

5/14/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Frankfort is locally owned and operated. We love to give back to our community whenever we can. 

Some of the things we have done in past years include; attend and support community events, deliver treats for the fire fighters at each fire department within our community, and assist with securing homes and businesses after a fire. 

More recently within the last year we have started to attend and assist with more internal trainings the fire departments have which helps to ensure their fire fighters continue to receive proper training to adequately help the community when it is in need. 

Recently we had the opportunity to donate one of our SERVPRO of Frankfort vehicles that we were removing from our fleet to the Frankfort Fire Department. They will be using the vehicle to practice extractions they may encounter when being called to an automobile accident. 

We are here for the community and we are here for you too. If you should experience a fire or water loss give our friendly staff a call 24 hours a day. (815)485-6901 

SERVPRO of Frankfort Response Guidelines

4/9/2021 (Permalink)

Have you heard of SERVPRO's Service Response Guidelines?

Within ONE hour from notice of loss, SERVPRO of Frankfort Professionals will contact you to arrange for service. 

Within FOUR hours of loss notification, SERVPRO of Frankfort Professionals will be on-site to start mitigation services. 

Within EIGHT hours of on-site arrival, a verbal briefing of the scope will be communicated to you and your insurance carrier by our manager.

What can SERVPRO of Frankfort Professionals do for you?

  • Fire smoke and Soot Cleanup and Restoration
  • Water Removal and Dehumidification
  • Crime Scene, Biohazard and Vandalism Cleanup
  • Mold Mitigation and Remediation
  • Contents Claim Inventory Service
  • Air Duct and HVAC Cleaning
  • Carpet and Hard Floor Cleaning and Car
  • Stain Removal, Stain Resistance Applications
  • Odor Identification and Deodorization
  • Upholstery and Drapes: Wet or Dry Cleaning Methods

To schedule a no cost assessment of your home or business give us a call 24 hours a day (815)485-6901

Firefighters Association

12/2/2020 (Permalink)

The Chief Shabbona Firefighters Association is one of the numerous groups that SERVPRO of Frankfort is a member of. Our involvement in this group has helped to grow our relationships with the local fire departments, as well as give us the opportunity to show our support. One great thing that this association does, is put together each year is referred to as the Chief Shabbona Fire Academy. This Academy helps prepare anyone who may be curious about, or ready to enter a career within the fire science. Our representatives get to show support through each stage of their academy experience- whether it be water bottles and ice cream after a physically-demanding training or following and sharing their journey through social media. Our Marketing Representatives are so thankful to spend time growing relationships with the local fire departments by showing support for the academy itself, being in attendance at every monthly Association meeting, and visiting with chiefs on a regular basis.

Why Choose SERVPRO of Frankfort for all your Water Needs.

11/5/2020 (Permalink)

  1. Expediency

When it comes to water damage, time is of the essence, care and response should ideally begin within the first 24 hours. This helps to avoid further harm being done to your home, and it also assists in beating the growth of mold. A quick response is essential, and it can help you to save not only your home but your belongings inside as well.

  1. Assistance

SERVPRO of Frankfort trained professionals will help you explain the situation to your insurance company. They’ll help guide you through the process, and they’ll provide all of the details and paperwork you need to help communicate with your insurance provider. 

  1. Damage

Sometimes damage is unavoidable and it could take several days before you get back into your home. That means water damage will have set in, and you may be facing a much more serious problem than you anticipated. Our trained professionals are SERVPRO of Frankfort can put together a step-by-step plan to get you back into your home as soon as possible. However, flood waters can often contain bacteria and other hazards, it’s very important that you avoid too much contact yourself.

  1. Remediation

This is one of the most important steps. Since mold is a serious health concern, mold remediation can help avoid future issues and make your home livable again. You should never attempt to reenter your home until after you know that SERVPRO of Frankfort trained professionals have eliminated the mold and your home is safe again.

  1. Total Care

Ideally, water restoration should be covered from beginning to end and SERVPRO of Frankfort will do exactly that. From the first assessment and communication with your insurance company, to the day that you’re able to return to your home, you will have not only our guidance, but our assistance every step of the way. Give us a call today, at (815) 485-6901, for all of your restoration needs.

What Can SERVPRO Do For You??

10/28/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Frankfort Professionals can help with a large array of services. When you want it done right and done fast give us a call. We can help with....

Fire, soot and smoke cleanup and restoration--knowing the type of smoke and their behaviors are vital for proper restoration. 

Water removal and dehumidification--our professionals will identify the source and type of water, which determines the proper course of action.

Crime scene, bio-hazard and vandalism cleanup--our technicians are trained to clean bio-hazardous substances and prepare waste for proper disposal according to OSHA standards. 

Mold mitigation and remediation--we work to control and remediate mold contamination.

Contents claim inventory service--accurate inventory helps keep costs low and reduces job completion time. 

Air duct and carpet cleaning--cleaning services can be provided to restore air quality or remove odor or stains. 

Odor identification and deodorization--we will find he source of the odor and determine the best method to neutralize and eliminate it. 

Give SERVPRO of Frankfort a call today for your free estimate. (815)485-6901

Your Belongings After a Fire Loss

8/13/2020 (Permalink)

Fire damage, including smoke and soot, affects not only the structure of your house but also your belongings. SERVPRO of Frankfort understands your family’s furniture, clothing, keepsakes, and other belongings are the very things that make a house a home. SERVPRO of Frankfort Professionals specialize in restoring contents damaged by water, fire, or mold.  Our expertise and “restore” versus “replace” mentality can help you save money while preserving precious keepsakes that can’t be replaced.  We pretest your belongings to determine what items can be restored to pre-fire condition. 
Our goal is to work with you & make arrangements for cleaning, deodorization and in some cases storage.   

If your home requires extensive restoration or cleaning due to the fire damage, SERVPRO of Frankfort can conduct an organized, efficient move-out of the affected area. A move-out has several benefits, including:

  • A quicker remodeling process
  • Protecting items from potential damage
  • Protecting contents from further on-site damage

When restoration is completed, we will work with you to coordinate the move-in according to your needs. The services offered upon pack-out & move-in may depend on your insurance coverage.  We work closely with your insurance agent to make sure you have the proper understanding of what will transpire & how we make this process seamless.  

If you should require our assistance after a fire loss, our office is available 24/7 in Frankfort at (815) 485-6901.  


Why Choose SERVPRO of Frankfort?

5/18/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Frankfort specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage. We are an independently owned and operated franchise within the community. We have been servicing Frankfort and its surrounding communities for almost 15 years. With locally trained professionals, we offer a quick response time, day or night, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  We have supported the Lincolnway Community of Frankfort, New Lenox, Mokena and Manhattan in many ways.   We are committed to helping Village Municipalities, Real Estate Agents AND the local Insurance Agents, within our community to keeping loss ratios down, assisting their insureds when they need our assistance with home/business related interruptions due to fire/water losses, and we can be trusted to keeping them happy with the companies they are insured with.   SERVPRO of Frankfort has participated in local Fire/Police Department events throughout the year.  We have served on the Fire Department Foundation Board of Directors and we currently hold seats in a number of Fire Department Chief Associations.  Their trust in our franchise, helps the community to see that we are a valued service in town.   We believe our commitment to the community is key to our success!!  Participation in local events is our way of meeting fellow residents, sharing our scope of services and reacting quickly to their emergency needs is vital. Our trained & professional staff is always willing to help 24/7, 365 days per year.  Contact our Frankfort office at (815) 485-6901 to set-up an appointment today!  

Fire Loss Process

4/1/2020 (Permalink)

The key factor about your home suffering a loss- whether its fire, water, mold, etc.- is knowing who to call. The faster you contact SERVPRO of Frankfort, the faster a trained professional will arrive on site which ultimately produces better results.

Some of the ways we would clean after a fire damage would be to perform cleanings of the contents, structure, and odor removal.

 Any contents that were affected, will be cleaned and deodorized to preloss condition. SERVPRO of Frankfort Professionals can also compile an inventory list items that are “to be claimed” for insurance purposes.

A comprehensive cleaning of ceilings, walls, and flooring will also need to be done after a fire damage. We have specific equipment and cleaning products for a wide variety of surfaces within your home which will help to clean and protect.

After a fire, or even a smoke damage, you can’t necessarily just mask the odor with a fragrance. Our trained professionals will seek out the source of the smell and remove them.

If you or someone you know suffers a fire loss, give SERVPRO of Frankfort  a call to help put the pieces back together. (815)416-0075

Continuing Education

3/10/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Frankfort offers continuing education courses throughout the year to not only assist agents in receiving the hours they need to renew their insurance licence, but to provide information to better assist their insureds needs. 

We currently offer 4 days of classes per year at our franchise. Some of the topics of this years classes include:

-Ethics, You, Me & Everyone

- Ethics. What's My Line?

-Insurance Trends: Keeping Up with Technology

-20 Questions: Improving Risk Transfer Techniques

-Navigating Difficult Claims, Mold, Sewer, Biohazards, Hail, & Other Ugly Claims

-Fire Insurance Claims/Water Insurance Claims

Currently our class registration is available at

We welcome any licensed Illinois insurance agents to join us for our informational classes. Currently our classes for the year are 2/26/2020, 4/22/2020, 6/24/2020 and 10/21/2020. You can also find our class offerings in our events section on our Facebook page SERVPRO of Frankfort.

Generator Safety

3/5/2020 (Permalink)

Having a generator for power outages is a great resource, however while using a generator you should practice the following safety tips provided by the American Red Cross. 

1. Install CO alarms on every level of your home and outside sleeping areas to provide early warnings of CO build up. 

2. Opening doors and windows or using fans will not prevent carbon monoxide from building up in your home. If you feel dizzy or sick while using a generator get fresh air immediately. 

3. Avoid electrocution. Keep the generator dry and do not use it in wet conditions. If it is wet outside it is okay to use under an open canopy like structure to keep it dry. 

4. Never use a generator inside a home, garage, basement, crawlspace or any partially or fully inclosed area. 

SERVPRO of Frankfort is here for all your fire and water needs 24 hours a day. Call our office at (815)485-6901 if you have any restoration needs. 

Emergency Ready Profile

10/11/2019 (Permalink)

Did you know according to recent research as many as 50% of businesses close down following a disaster?

Did you know that SERVPRO of Frankfort can offer a no cost assessment of your facility and document only the critical information needed in the event of an emergency? Give is a call today to schedule your free assessment. (815)485-6901

A preparedness plan can serve as an insurance policy aimed at peace of mind. By developing a SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile for your business, you minimize business interruptions by having an immediate plan of action. Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your business. 

  • A no cost assessment of your facility.
  • A concise Profile Document that contains only the critical information needed in the event of an emergency. 
  • A guide to help you get back into your building following a disaster. 
  • Establishes SERVPRO of Frankfort as our disaster mitigation and restoration provider. 
  • Identifies the chain of command for authorizing work to being. 
  • Provides facility details such as shut-off valve locations, priority areas and priority contact information. 

Be Ready if a Disaster Strikes!

9/4/2019 (Permalink)

September is National Preparedness Moth. It is recognized each year to promote family and community disaster planning now and throughout the year. Consider the following steps to better prepare for an emergency situation. 

-Sign up for local alerts and warnings, download apps, and check access for wireless emergency alerts. 

-Develop and test emergency communication plans.

-Assemble or update emergency supply kits. 

-Make property improvements to reduce potential injury and property damage.

-Collect and safeguard critical documents. A great tip is to store digital copies in your email. 

- Plan with neighbors to help each other and share resources. 

-Document property and obtain appropriate insurance for relevant hazards in your area. 

Did you know SERVPRO of Frankfort offers a free Ready App to document your critical information and add pictures of your valuables? All your information stays secure and only you have access to your information. 

If you wold like more information or assistance setting up the Free Ready App give us a call today. (815)485-6901.


8/20/2019 (Permalink)

According to the Mayo Clinic Hoarding Disorder is a persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them. A person with hoarding disorder experiences distress at the thought of getting rid of item. Excessive accumulation of items, regardless of value, occurs. 

Hoarding can lead to homes filled with extreme clutter, from years of accumulations making living unsanitary and crowded.

SERVPRO of Frankfort generally sees hoarding in two ways.

The first way is there is a fire or water damage in the home. When our trained professionals arrive at the home to assess the damage from the fire or water they discover the hoarding situation. If this should happen SERVPRO of Frankfort professionals will communicate with the insurance company about coverage, and after approval contents can be packed out and cleaned, dried out, or stored so work can begin on the fire or water damage to the structure. 

The second way SERVPRO of Frankfort can encounter a hoarding situation is receiving a call from a landlord, case worker, real estate agent, or a family member, often after the death of a loved one. In these situations, the crew will see if they should look for any items of importance to the family.

Each hoarding situation is different and SERVPRO of Frankfort is here to help with every step of the way. 

Extreme Heat

6/7/2019 (Permalink)

Did you know? On averag, heat is the number one weather-related killer in the United States. 

As summer approaches, it is time to consider safety precautions for extreme heat in the coming months. 

If possible, stay indoors inside the air conditioning. 

Be sure to check out your pets who may be outdoors or bring them inside. 

Stay hydrated and limit caffeine and alcohol use. 

If you do go outside, wear loose fitting light colored clothes and apply sunscreen often. 

A few tips to help prepare your home

Install window air conditioning units snugly and insulate if necessary. 

Check air conditioning ducts for proper insulation. 

Install temporary window reflectors to reflect heat entering your home back outside. 

Weather-strip doors and windows to keep cool air inside. 

Cover windows that receive morning or afternoon sun.

Keep storm windows up all year. 

If you should smell a musky odor leading you to believe you may have mold in your home, give SERVPRO of Frankfort a call today. (815)485-6901. 

Corn Boils

3/20/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Frankfort prides itself in our community involvement. Our team of marketing reps work throughout the community to volunteer time, monetary donations, food, or other items to organizations and events that allow us to help. 

One of our favorite things to do is our annual corn boils at local Fire Departments. We enjoy showing a small appreciation to any Fire Department that will have us. 

We bring fresh grown local corn and boil it right there at their fire house. We also bring fresh cut watermelon and cookies to show a small thank you for all they do in our communities. Some departments even bring out the grill and cook up hamburgers and hot dogs. 

We offer these to insurance agencies and police departments as well. If you know a department who would like for us to come out and offer this appreciation to them please give us a call and let us know. (815)485-6901.

Preparing for an Ice Storm

2/5/2019 (Permalink)

Illinois has seen some brutal weather this winter, between the Polar Votex of 2019 giving us record breaking temperatures and the flooding that occurred right after with the change of temperature by almost 100 degrees. Now we are set to see an ice storm. 

Preparing for an Ice storm is important because it brings the possibility of power outages. Below are a few tips to help you prepare. 

1. Make sure flashlights and battery powered radios have batteries. Also keep extra batteries, candles, and matches on hand. 

2. Unplug sensitive electronics and appliances if the power does go off. 

3. If the power does go off keep refridgerator and freezer doors shut. If food should get to 40 degrees dispose of items immediately. 

4. If you use an emergency heating source such as kerosene heaters, fireplaces, or wood burning stoves keep fuels away from the fame and ventilate. Never leave a fire unattended. 

5. If it seems your home will be without power for several days drain your water pipes. 

Other tips are

-Sore extra blankets and warm clothes where you can easily access them.

-Keep a first aide kit on hand.

-Keep extra canned food and water on hand

-Fill your gas tank up

-Keep cash on hand

-Have enough prescription medications to last a week

If your home should sustain fire or water damage during these times give SERVPRO of Frankfort a calll at (815)485-6901. We have trained staff ready to assist you 24 hours a day. 

Stay Safe This Winter Season

11/8/2018 (Permalink)

Most home fires are preventable, but sometimes common sense isn't so common. According to the National Fire Protection Association, it's not too early to protect your loved ones and your home from fire damage, by simply following sensible suggestions.

1. Have your furnace checked. It's worth the money to hire a professional to inspect and service your furnace once a year. If it's going to conk out, it's better to know trouble is coming.

2. Have your chimneys and vents checked. Fireplaces produce creosote which can ignite. If you light fires frequently, you need a chimney sweep service once a year. When you burn wood, make sure it's dry and seasoned so that it produces more flame and less smoke.

3. Test smoke alarms. Make sure batteries are fresh. Place smoke alarms in the kitchen, laundry room and in bedrooms.

4. Cover the fireplace with a screen. Tempered glass or a metal screen helps protect sparks from leaving the fireplace. Even so, make sure that children and pets sit at least three feet away when you light a fire in the fireplace.

5. Beware of lit candles. Candles can set the mood for relaxation, and that's how they get forgotten or knocked over by kids or pets. Light candles only when you're around to watch them and blow them out when you're ready to leave the room. Ditto for cigarettes, pipes, etc. If you're going to smoke, try to do it outside.

6. Beware of space heaters. The name should give you a clue -- space heaters need space. Like fireplaces, people and pets should not be allowed to sit any closer than three feet. Don't put space heaters near curtains, tablecloths or other fluttering fabrics. Make sure the space heaters you buy have automatic shut-offs before reaching dangerous temperatures.

7. Know how to put out kitchen fires quickly. Water doesn't help a greasefire, which can get out of control. Keep salt and baking soda on hand to sprinkle liberally on pan fires. Keep lids handy to put on top of pots and pans that get too hot.

8. Practice an escape route. Businesses have fire drills, your family should, too. Teach your family to crawl to the nearest exit from every room. Show them how to drop and roll if their clothes were ever to catch on fire.

9. Fire extinguishers can be life-savers. Store one under the kitchen sink, and in the hall closet near the bedrooms. Make sure you use the correct setting -- A for paper, wood and trash; B for grease and flammable liquids; C for small electrical fires.

10. All household members should know 911. You've heard the stories -- the four-year old who saved his grandmother's life with a 911 call. In a fire, every person in the home can be a potential hero if they know what to do.

Did you know we are local?

10/22/2018 (Permalink)

Although SERVPRO is 1,700 franchises strong throughout the country, we are locally owned and operated. 

Besides SERVPRO of Frankfort being available 24/7 to assist with any emergency quickly, we also do lots within the community. 

A few things we have done in the past include;

-Fire Department appreciation corn boils

-Donating time to assist with open houses for Fire Departments

-Sponsoring and attending events with the local Chamber of Commerce 

-Helping with community clean up days

-Attending National Night Out Against Crime

-Donating Gift Baskets/Cards for local Charity events

-Toy donations for Toys For Tots

-Teddy Bear Collection Events for Local Hospitals 

-Sponsoring Golf outing that benefit local hospitals, charity events, or even fire departments

-Host Food drives for local pantries 

And so much more.......

Prevent flooding and moisture in your crawl space

3/15/2018 (Permalink)

The most common cause of crawl space flooding is rain water.  When excessive rain water accumulates in the soil next to your foundation it will over-saturate the soil.  Unable to be soaked up by the soil, it will seek another place go.  The path of least resistance will be through your foundation, especially if there are any cracks in the walls.  But, you can protect yourself from crawl space leaks and flooding by taking a few preventative measures.  

Keep rainwater away from your foundation. Make sure your gutters, especially your downspouts, are working properly.  Clear out any clogs and repair any significant leaks.  Make sure your downspouts are draining rain water five feet away from your foundation.  If your gutters and downspouts are set up and working correctly, but you still notice water pooling near your foundation, you probably have an issue with the grade of your yard and may need to have a landscaper fix the problem.  

Use vapor barrier.  Crawl spaces are most commonly located where water runoff is common. They are also often designed with dirt floors.  This makes crawl spaces an ideal breeding ground for moisture and mold.  Vapor barrier can keep crawl space moisture/mold at bay.

Use a sump pump in your crawl space.  Sump pumps move water away from your foundation, and moving safely away from your house.  And of course, they work just as well in crawl spaces as they do in basement.  Be sure you have a backup power source for your sump pump and check it’s operation periodically.  

SERVPRO of Frankfort is a trusted leader in the restoration industry. We provide 24-hour emergency service and are dedicated to responding faster to any size disaster. With the training and expertise to handle your restoration and cleaning needs, we’re locally owned and operated and can respond immediately to your emergency.  

Save Money On Your Homeowners Insurance With These 4 Tips

1/30/2018 (Permalink)

It’s important to protect yourself and your property in the if a disaster strikes.  To that end, a good homeowner’s insurance policy is crucial.  A typical policy will pay for damage to your property and possessions and will cover shelter costs if you’re temporarily displaced from your home. Keep your insurance expenses to a minimum with these 4 money saving tips:

Save on Premiums With Prevention

You can reduce your premium by taking some smart preventive measures.  First,  have a working smoke detector.  This will reduce your premium.  The same goes for home theft protection. You can reduce your premium 5% by installing something as a simple as a deadbolt, and 15-20% if you have an alarm system installed.

Don’t Wait to File Insurance Claims

If you wait too long to file a claim, you may negate your benefits, particularly if your hesitation makes the problem worse.  Check the fine print in or policy to see how much time you have to file a claim.  

Write Everything Down in the Event of a Mishap

In the event of a disaster or mishap save all your receipts, contracts, appraisals, etc., and document phone calls - write down who you talked to, the date and time of all your conversations. Don’t leave any of this to chance.   

Keep Up on Regular Maintenance & Fix Little Problems Fast

This is true of your AC, your furnace, your chimney and especially your plumbing.  Take care of small leaks fast, before they become a much bigger problem.  You may forfeit your insurance coverage if you let a molehill grow into a mountain.

As a trusted leader in the restoration industry, SERVPRO of Frankfort provides 24-hour emergency service and is dedicated to being faster to any size disaster. We can respond immediately to your emergency and have the expertise to handle your restoration or cleaning needs.